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Payment Tender Required Terms

...with the Company Stores. Such current terms are set forth below for convenience. The PayPal Privacy Policy: The PayPal User Agreement: The PayPal Commercial Entity Agreement: Attachment...

Drop Ship Manager Service Terms

Drop Ship Manager Service Terms These Drop Ship Manager Service Terms (“Service Terms”) shall govern Radial’s provision of drop ship manager technology to Company.  These Service Terms are available at (and...

Radial Standard Terms

...the Employment Cost Index can be found at OWNERSHIP 5.1 By Radial. As between Radial and Company, Radial owns (a) all IP Rights in the Services and related documentation...

Fraud Zero Service Terms

...contemplated by this Agreement, the Company will comply with the following requirements (collectively, “Company Fraud Review Requirements”), at Company’s expense: 3.1 Fraud Data Points.  The Company will provide Radial with all...

Website Legal Notices

...Communications for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, reproduction, transmission, disclosure, publication, broadcast, development, manufacturing and/or marketing in any manner whatsoever for any or all commercial or non-commercial purposes. Radial...

Radial 2023 Peak Consumer Survey

In our recent survey, we asked US shoppers about the factors that will influence their expectations for the 2023 holiday shopping season